SECTION: 100.3
EFFECTIVE DATE: February 15, 2017
Executive chain of command of the Evangeline Parish Sheriff's Department shall be as follows:
BYPASSING SUPERIOR OFFICERS: When a deputy bypasses any superior in the chain of command in matters concerning assignments, problems, or disagreements with a superior, then that superior will be notified and included in the discussion.
HANDLING MISUNDERSTANDINGS: Problems or misunderstandings should be Handled at the same level as they occur when possible, but the Supervisor and Sheriff are available when no understanding can be reached.
EXCHANGE OF INFORMATION: These rules are not meant to restrict the Exchange of information and full cooperation of members of different divisions. This practice in encouraged and should continue at all times.
All employees are given the authority to make decisions necessary for the effective execution of their responsibilities. In order to establish clarity of command and to promote efficiency and responsibility, deputies must be aware of their position in the chain of command.
The chain of command is established upon the principle that each deputy has a specific Office, Department, Bureau, Section, Unit or Sub-Unit Supervisor to whom he/she is responsible. Each Sergeant in turn reports to a specific Lieutenant or Unit Supervisor, who in turn reports to the Section, Bureau or Department or Office Supervisor, who in turn reports to the Chief Deputy, who in turn reports to the Sheriff. In all cases, the ultimate authority in the chain of command is the Sheriff.
- Each Office, Department, Bureau, Section, Unit and Sub-Unit within the Sheriff's Office is under the direct command of only one supervisor.
- All employees are accountable to only one supervisor at a given time. The supervisor is responsible for a fixed number of employees, and will complete evaluation reports on those employees assigned to his/her supervision. However, there may be times during the absence of a supervisor that another supervisor may direct or otherwise issue commands to employees normally not under his/her direct supervision.
- If two (2) supervisors who are of equal rank are on-duty at the same time, each will be responsible and in command of the areas, job assignments, and personnel assigned to them. If there is a conflict between the equal ranking supervisors, the one having the most seniority shall have greater authority.
- If a first line Supervisor and a Command Staff Supervisor are on-duty at the same, although the Command Staff Supervisor is in command over all, the deputies would be responsible to the first line Supervisor and the first line Supervisor would be responsible to the Command Staff Supervisor.
- This General Order does not diminish the authority or responsibility of any supervisor to perform his/her duty but rather sets up a clear chain of command that everyone understands.
Rank Structure of the Evangeline Parish Sheriff's Office:
Sheriff; 2. Chief Deputy, Rank of Major; 3. Section Supervisor, Rank of Captain; 4. Unit Supervisors; Rank of Sergeant 5. Deputy; and 6. Reserve Deputy
Span of Control:
To achieve effectiveness within the command structure, Sergeants will not be put in charge of more than fifteen (15) employees.
Lieutenants will be responsible to supervising no more than five (5) Sergeants.
Captains or Section Supervisors will be responsible for supervising no more that four (4) Lieutenants.
These standards may be exceeded during temporary periods of adjustment or emergency.
- In the event of a joint operation involving Sheriff's Office personnel of different departments, bureaus, sections or units, an Incident Commander will be designated in advance of the joint operation. If the incident is an unplanned occurrence, the Incident Commander will be in charge of all personnel assisting with the incident.
- All employees are accountable for the use of their delegated authority.
- Supervisors are accountable for the performance of employees under their immediate control.
In regards to: All Rules, Regulations, Policy & Procedures and Special Orders are at the discretion of the Sheriff based on departmental need and the severity of the infraction.