Evangeline Parish Sheriff's Office Launches New Mobile App!
The Evangeline Parish Sheriff's Office launched a new mobile App that is available for download in
the Google Play Store and Apple Store. The App is free for users to download on both Android and
iOS mobile devices. To download, please visit www.evangelineparishsheriff.org/app or go to the
Google Play or Apple Store and type "Evangeline Parish LA Sheriff" in the search bar.
The new mobile App allows residents and visitors quick, easy access to the most important
features of the website: Contact Sheriff's Office, Department Pages, FAQs, Fight Fraud, Waste &
Abuse Link, Forms Link, Pay Taxes & Tickets Links, Press Releases, Resources Pages, Sex
Offenders Map, Sheriff's Newsletter, Special Alerts, Submit a Crime Tip, and Transparency Pages.
The App user can select which push notifications they would like to subscribe to,
including Inmate Roster, Press Release, Sex Offender, and General Alerts. The new mobile App
serves as an additional information resource for the public and to assist with community policing
All residents of Evangeline Parish and the general public are encouraged to visit our new mobile App!
"The new upgraded mobile App features information for the public and provides transparency for the
Sheriff's Office, and encourages the public to take a more active role in community policing
efforts. We invite all Parish residents or visitors to download our App and sign up for our push
notifications. We believe our App will be a huge benefit to the Sheriff's Office and residents of
Evangeline Parish," stated Sheriff Charles R. Guillory
For more information about the Evangeline Parish Sheriff's Office's new mobile App, please contact
the Sheriff's Office at 337.363.2161 or visit www.evangelineparishsheriff.org.